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SIMPLE ONLINE BUSINESS COURSE 4.1 | M - Market Your Expertise Pt. 1

Marketing is a big word on social media, and with myriad influencers on their toes to offer conflicting advice, it can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. In my book God is Like Marketing, I offer my definition of the word:

Marketing is anything that attempts to turn someone into a FAN of a product or service.

Then, I break it down by explaining how marketing turns people into fans.

Marketing helps customers:

F Find a company A – Take Action with a Company N N'teract with a Company

The cool thing is that if you share your daily discoveries on social media, you’re collecting FANs and becoming an expert simultaneously.

Here are three simple steps to get that done:

  • Comment

  • Curate

  • Create

Let’s look at each.


In 2023, there were eleven million content creators on LinkedIn, and their numbers keep growing. They are paving the way for you to become an authority in your niche. You don’t have to create anything; you can simply comment on other people’s posts.

If done correctly, your comments add health and vitality to your Simple marketing strategy.

Here’s how it works:

  • Find conversations

  • Contribute value

  • Do it consistently

Take these three steps, and you’ll be on your way to marketing your expertise.

Find Conversations

In step 2, you found experts, communities, and news sources in your niche. Now, jump into the conversations people are having. Whether you respond to an article or someone else’s comment, your name will be out there. Other commenters see your comment pop up in their notifications, and if it turns out you offer value, they will follow you.

This way, you build your audience without creating one piece of original content.

I did this on Indeed. People were asking, “How Do I Become an Independent Auto Damage Appraiser?” I took the time to answer their questions. Eventually, that thread got me more leads than anything else at the start of my online business. And I’m sure people in your niche are having similar conversations.

You need to find them to begin finding customers. And then, you’ll let customers find you.

Contribute Value

Being present on social media is all about contributing value. You can comment until we terraform Mars, but if you don’t enrich your readers’ lives, you might as well watch a rerun of your favorite Netflix series.

A generic “Great post” comment doesn’t market your expertise to others. To get attention, you must add value to the conversation—something that makes them say, “Ah, cool! I didn’t know that.” Treat a post as a conversation starter and ask yourself, “But then what?” or “What else do they need to know?” Then, carefully craft a response proving you know your stuff.

When people see you’re contributing value, they will want to know more.

People following a creator might want help from others in the same niche. You could be the person filling the gaps in their knowledge. When you contribute and shovel asphalt into their cognitive potholes, people will follow you.

By the way, don’t worry about the original posters. They won’t begrudge you for adding value and keeping the conversation going. They’d rather thank you for it.

Do It Consistently

If you offer value once, people may follow you. But on average, it takes them seven touches to become a customer.

You must comment consistently in the same places and on posts of the same creators—over and over again. You are building trust by showing a follower that you have value to add. It won’t start with a tsunami of followers, but if you keep at it, your following will grow exponentially.

Your comments are the building blocks of your online reputation, so lay them down steadily and watch your influence rise.

To be successful, you need to make commenting a habit. It’s not about always being everywhere; it’s about being smart with your time. Schedule social media blocks into your calendar. Your comments should be like a familiar face in a crowd—you’re always there, always adding value.

You can’t fail or lose if you never quit.

—> Table of Contents

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Simple Online Business
Simple Online Business